Emerging Benefits of Green Tea

Emerging Benefits of Green Tea

Posted by EyePromise on Oct 17th 2024

There are often popular “buzzwords” when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, specifically healthy eating. Foods like turmeric, quinoa, and cottage cheese have all had their time in the limelight. While green tea went through a similar rise-to-fame, this beverage keeps resurging as the latest science further solidifies its health benefits.

Reviewing the Benefits of Tea Consumption

In 2019, a group of researchers conducted a meta-analysis to look at the potential benefits and concerns that could arise from drinking either black tea or green tea. In this review, they considered 96 meta-analyses with 40 unique health outcomes in all human populations. Overall, the researchers determined that tea consumption showed greater benefits than harm to health outcomes. With drinking 2-3 cups a day, some of these benefits include:

  • Reduced risk for all-cause mortality
  • Reduced chance of heart concerns
  • Improved circulatory health
  • Reduced risk of blood glucose control issues
  • Supports skeletal health
  • Supports cognitive function

The one caution issued by authors of this meta-analysis is that people who enjoy drinking hot tea need to be cautious of the temperature, as higher temperatures were associated with more negative outcomes.

Green Tea and the Flu

Another meta-analysis published in 2021 linked green tea consumption with reduced incidence of influenza infections. Authors looked at five randomized, placebo-controlled trials and concluded that green tea could reduce your chances of coming down with the flu. Perhaps more surprising is the rate at which green tea reduced incidence of flu. These researchers found that this powerful beverage can cut the risk influenza infection by 33%!

Additionally, a reduction in flu infection also means a reduction of common issues caused by the virus, including:

  • Pneumonia
  • Ear infections
  • Sinus infection
  • Existing health concerns worsening

Further research connects green tea with an overall boost to the immune system, bolstering its ability to combat illnesses and support overall health.

The Speed of Green Tea

Finally, a randomized, placebo-controlled study was performed to determine green tea’s impact on DNA damage and protection. The findings demonstrated that green tea is linked with significant increases in DNA repair enzyme activity, but that’s not all. Within just one hour of drinking a single cup (200mL; less than 8oz) of green tea, DNA damage in cells can be reduced by up to 30%! Furthermore, adding 2 cups of green tea to your daily routine can improve DNA resistance to free radical damage in just one month, demonstrating both reparative and protective qualities.

When it comes to those healthy buzzwords, green tea may be one of the few that stands up to the hype. As you look at building a healthier lifestyle, consider adding more of this potent beverage to your daily intake. For more tips on healthy living, read 4 Lifestyle Changes That Can Extend Life Regardless of When You Start.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.