
EyePromise Blog

The Fall of Eye Comfort

The Fall of Eye Comfort

Posted by EyePromise on Oct 6th 2022

For many, fall or autumn is their favorite season. This time of year brings about colorful changing leaves, a crisp morning, and the start of the holiday season: Halloween! While these perks are … read more
Summer Sports Bring About New Eye Health Issues

Summer Sports Bring About New Eye Health Issues

Posted by EyePromise on May 19th 2022

This school year is coming to an end, and that means that all the fun summer activities are back! Some kids are jumping back into summer sports, and that means that parents and spectators are back … read more
Why Supplementation Is Important

Why Supplementation Is Important

Posted by amess on Dec 3rd 2020

At this point, we likely know that nutrition is important for all aspects of our health, including eye health. That’s why brightly colored fruits and vegetables, fish, and leafy greens are foods … read more

How Supplementation Can Help Patients Enjoy Summer

Posted by EyePromise on Jun 30th 2017

June is Fireworks Eye Safety Month, and with 4th of July just a few days away, stressing safety to patients is imperative. Fireworks have been linked to more than 9,000 injuries a year, so reminding … read more

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