Bridging the Gap Between Eye Health and Holistic Wellness

Bridging the Gap Between Eye Health and Holistic Wellness

Posted by EyePromise on Jul 18th 2024

It’s a popular trend to seek “holistic” healthcare. The definition of holistic is “characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.” In healthcare, this means caring for the whole person, including mental and social factors vs. just symptoms of the issue. Carrie Roitstein, OD, has brought this ideal to her optometric practice, and she shared some tips for incorporating holistic eyecare in an article for Women In Optometry.

Progress Not Perfection

This is an important tip for both practice and patient. New protocols and lifestyle changes take time to get used to, and new data surfaces every day. Dr. Roitstein uses the AREDS trials as examples, saying they “brought us some of the way,” but that even more evidence has emerged drawing a stronger connection between nutrition and eye health.

This continually emerging science helps Dr. Roitstein develop her nutritional protocols, but she keeps the idea of “progress over perfection” in mind. She encourages patients to make small changes, adding to those over time, instead of totally revamping their lifestyles all at once. Smaller suggestions like "try to add more colorful vegetables to your meals" and "move a little more each day" are easier for patients to digest (pun intended) and, therefore, more likely to stick.

As mentioned, this notion of “progress” applies to practice protocols, as well. Adding any new system, device, product, etc. can be challenging to “get right” the first few times. Allow you and your staff some leniency in the first few days/weeks while you’re still figuring it all out, but make sure you continue working at it.

Nutrition Is Personal

Understanding that nutrition is individualized is a critical starting point for practitioners looking to offer holistic care. Even at a busy 25-location practice, Dr. Roitstein took the time to discuss nutrition and supplementation with her patients. However, since moving to a 2-location practice, she and her partners have even more opportunity to focus on wellness-driven optometry.

Dr. Roitstein has in-depth conversations with her patients regarding diet, exercise, outdoor time, and device use to better understand their nutritional and optometric needs. She also performs macular pigment optical density (MPOD) and genetic testing to better understand her patients’ risk of certain eye and overall health concerns. “Personalized service builds our practice,” she explained, but collaboration is key. Dr. Roitstein works with functional practitioners, internists, and MDs, receiving and sending referrals as needed.

EyePromise®: Your Comprehensive Nutrition Partner

If you’re not sure where to start your holistic eyecare journey, EyePromise can help. EyePromise offers a complete nutritional partnership through the Zea Performance System™, a turnkey program that creates a patient care continuum with:

  • Direct, reliable, repeatable MPOD measurement with the portable and trusted Zx Pro™ device
  • The most comprehensive nutraceutical line supported by money-back guarantees for personalized nutritional intervention with EyePromise
  • The Auto Refill Program, the industry-leading compliance program simplifying prescription refill and providing the ability for patients to defer a shipment if needed (because nobody’s perfect)
  • The ability to track supplementation progress, offering patients “proof of concept” through remeasurement with the fast and easy Zx Pro MPOD exam

Learn about the Zea Performance System from Susan Resnick, OD, who has seen incredible improvements for her practice and her patients.

As Dr. Roitstein shared in her article, “Patients are interested in living a balanced, healthier lifestyle.” That’s why she encourages other practitioners to offer this holistic eyecare and help reinforce this message. By encouraging small, manageable changes, you can help patients find that balance. By partnering with EyePromise, you can hit the ground running. Learn more about becoming an EyePromise partner.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.