Why EyePromise Is Different with Our Zeaxanthin

Why EyePromise Is Different with Our Zeaxanthin

Posted by EyePromise on Oct 8th 2020

If you know anything about eye vitamins, you’ve probably heard of a couple of antioxidants called zeaxanthin and lutein. Most eye vitamins on the market contain some kind of lutein-zeaxanthin combination, but many products follow a 5 to 1 ratio of lutein to zeaxanthin while EyePromise products contain a 2 to 1 ratio of zeaxanthin to lutein. Why is that?

Zeaxanthin can be found in several major organs, including the brain, eyes, and skin.

EyePromise & Zeaxanthin

Zeaxanthin is a potent antioxidant found in several major organs, including the eyes, skin, and brain. EyePromise was founded on the impact Dr. Dennis Gierhart knew zeaxanthin could make, so he crafted this line of eye vitamins around this very special ingredient. Additionally, he insists on each product containing zeaxanthin from a dietary source rather than a synthetic version, specifically from paprika. It’s believed that to get the most out of the ingredients like zeaxanthin, they need to be as close to the way they’re found in nature.

Zeaxanthin & the Macula

In the eye, zeaxanthin can be found at the center of the retina called the macula (mak-yoo-luh). Within the macula, zeaxanthin and lutein can be found at a 1:1 ratio. However, at the center of the macula is what’s called the fovea (foe-vee-uh), and that has a zeaxanthin-to-lutein ratio of 2 to 1 with the higher concentration of zeaxanthin being in the center. Science speculates that the eye selects zeaxanthin to concentrate heavier near the center for its superb protective qualities and to protect the cells responsible for crisp, clear central vision.

This natural ratio found in the protective fovea is why EyePromise chooses to have a 2:1 ratio of zeaxanthin to lutein in many of our products. The 1:1 ratio found in the macula is why we have certain products with an equal number of zeaxanthin and lutein.

EyePromise includes twice as much zeaxanthin as lutein in its products to match the natural ratio of a healthy fovea.

Where Does the 5:1 Ratio Come From?

Many popular products available come with a 5 to 1 ratio of lutein to zeaxanthin. If the macula has a 1:1 ratio and the fovea has a 2:1 ratio, where does this 5:1 ratio come from? This number actually comes from food. While zeaxanthin and lutein intake in the Standard American Diet is drastically low, lutein is 5 times more prevalent in food sources than zeaxanthin. Therefore, many eye health nutrition companies choose to match that ratio rather than the ratio found in the eye itself.

Zeaxanthin and lutein are arguably the two most important nutrients for eye health. You need to be getting healthy amounts of each to support your vision for years to come. The easiest way to get the nutrients in the amounts your eyes need: EyePromise eye vitamins! In a single serving, each vitamin from EyePromise is designed with the correct ratio of antioxidants to support a healthy fovea and protect crisp, clear vision.

Additionally, EyePromise eye vitamins help support several eye health issues, including age-related eye health, occasional dry eye, sports performance, vascular health, screen time, and overall health and wellness.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.