
EyePromise Blog

The Most Common Sports-Related Eye Injuries

The Most Common Sports-Related Eye Injuries

Posted by EyePromise on Apr 4th 2024

April is Sports Eye Safety Month, and few people consider the threat that athletics can pose to the eyes. More than 600,000 sports and recreational eye injuries occur each year, but luckily, less … read more
Best Protection for Your Eyes This Summer

Best Protection for Your Eyes This Summer

Posted by EyePromise on Apr 20th 2023

Spring has sprung in many parts of the world, and we couldn’t be happier to see those temperatures rising! This means that summer is just around the corner, but the time to start protecting your … read more
Can Zeaxanthin Help Protect Skin?

Can Zeaxanthin Help Protect Skin?

Posted by EyePromise on Jun 16th 2022

Zeaxanthin (zee-uh-zan-thin) is a powerful antioxidant found throughout nature. It’s a well-known component in healthy eyes, supporting and building a healthy macular pigment. Macular pigment is a … read more

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