It Pays to Stay On Supplementation

It Pays to Stay On Supplementation

Posted by EyePromise on Sep 12th 2024

There are two studies that are well-known in the ocular space: AREDS and AREDS 2. These trials established nutritional intervention as a key care protocol for patients suffering from age-related eye health issues. The long-term impact of supplementation was, for the most part, unknown. However, recent research followed up with participants from both trials to see what benefits, if any, long-term supplementation had.

The Analysis

After reviewing the original retinal scans from the AREDS 1 and 2 trials, researchers selected participants who developed atrophic age-related eye health issues (1,209 participants total). They then calculated the position and expansion rate of each participant's atrophic regions to understand the potential progression of their age-related eye health issues.

The Results

The researchers determined that those who developed atrophic regions in their central vision did not benefit much from supplementation, as the damage had already been done. However, participants who had atrophic regions outside of the fovea and maintained their supplement regimen delayed its worsening by 55% over an average of 3 years. Considering that most patients with age-related eye health issues develop atrophy outside the fovea, these findings can have a huge impact for patients and practitioners alike.

What Do the Findings Mean?

The results shared by the researchers have opened the possibilities for patients with later-stage age-related eye health issues. With limited therapeutic options for patients with late-stage age-related eye health issues, supplementation is a simple solution with real results. Tiarnan Keenan, M.D., Ph.D., researcher for the National Eye Institute (NEI) and lead author of the study, explained,

“Our high acuity central vision is essential for tasks like reading and driving…antioxidant supplementation is a simple step that may slow central vision loss, even [for patients in the late-stage age-related eye health issues].”

Elevating the Standard of Aging Eyecare

EyePromise® provides clinically proven nutraceuticals designed to elevate the standard of aging eyecare. Our AREDS 2-based formulations are formulated with clinically supported enhancements to deliver the very best outcomes for patients with late-stage age-related eye health issues.

EyePromise Macular Health Complete includes the ingredients studied in the AREDS 2 trial and additional formula enhancements to better support eye and overall health. These modifications include ingredients like extra dietary zeaxanthin, Omega-3s, and Vitamin D, reducing zinc to 25mg, and adding a daily multivitamin, leaving no nutritional stone unturned for your patients.

EyePromise Macular Health delivers the ingredients studied in the AREDS 2 trial and more. Macular Health includes additional clinically supported ingredients like extra dietary zeaxanthin, Omega-3s, and Vitamin D, but it does not include zinc, as it can be harmful to certain patient types. Additionally, this product doesn’t include a multivitamin, so patients can continue using theirs if they please.

Learn more about elevating the standard of aging eyecare with EyePromise.

These findings breathe hope into those suffering from late-stage age-related eye health issues. Hopefully, with further research, we can continue to uncover more effective solutions to protect vision.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.