ESPN Radio Hosts Try EyePromise®

ESPN Radio Hosts Try EyePromise®

Posted by amess on Jan 5th 2021

Last year, we reached out to a local ESPN affiliate radio station in St. Louis. Two of their hosts, Dan McLaughlin and Brad Thompson, don’t like to recommend products that they don’t know much about. They decided to try one of our newest products: EyePromise® Screen Shield™ Pro. We recently caught up with them and asked them what they think thus far and what they would say to someone who wants to try it.

What Was Your First Impression of EyePromise?

Dan McLaughlin (Danny Mac)

Totally professional. I realized from the get-go I was getting involved with a company that was going to help me from the onset.

Brad Thompson (BT)

My first impression of EyePromise was, “Why didn’t I know about this sooner?” Honestly, hearing the EyePromise team talk about their products, hearing the passion and excitement in their voices, and getting to learn about these supplements and how they can help strengthen my eyes was incredible.

What Made You Want to Try It?

Danny Mac

My eyesight has been terrible. I needed help. When they reached out, it came at the perfect time for me personally. When I met with them, I realized it was the perfect match, and they haven’t disappointed.


I was interested in trying the products for many reasons. Throughout the years, I have tried to take care of my body by taking different supplements and vitamins but never took anything that focused on eye health. This has been a huge oversight (no pun intended).

Also, since making the transition from playing baseball to radio and television work, my screen time has increased rapidly, and I was definitely starting to feel the impact. (Headaches, blurry vision, [occasionally] dry eyes).

I was also very interested in Screen Shield Teen. My kids have been doing virtual learning for most of the school year. Playtime with friends has been replaced by Zoom or FaceTime. While not ideal, the amount of screen time for kids is unavoidable at this point. After taking Screen Shield Pro and seeing the results myself, I was very excited to get the family on board as well.

Are You Noticing Any Differences?

Danny Mac

I’ve seen major differences in my eyesight. I have found that my sleep is better, I’m able to concentrate, and my eyes are not nearly as tired or strained when trying to concentrate on a computer screen. It’s been incredible.


Absolutely. I no longer have dry, tired eyes at the end of the day after staring at a computer/phone/tablet for hours on end. In the past, I would often times have headaches after work, and those have been alleviated. I’ve also noticed when driving at night that lights don’t have the “halo” effect as much as they did in the past.

What Do You Like About Screen Shield Pro?

Danny Mac

The fact that it’s an easy one-a-day vitamin and that it’s natural. I take it with my daily supplements. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it’s been incredibly helpful for my eyes.


I like everything about Screen Shield Pro! My job has me staring at screens all the time. Whether it is watching a game on TV, staring at a monitor in the studio, or digging into stats on the computer – it feels nonstop. The fact that I can take an easy once-a-day supplement that alleviates my screen time-related issues is incredible. It’s a “no-brainer.”

What Would You Say to Someone Considering Taking Screen Shield Pro or Another EyePromise Vitamin?

Danny Mac

Don’t hesitate. Do it. It works. In these times when we all are working so much from our computers, EyePromise is a must.


I would absolutely recommend EyePromise and Screen Shield Pro to anyone. What are you waiting for? As I mentioned earlier, I spent far too long not taking proper care of my eyes because I didn’t know that there was anything (short of surgery, contacts, glasses, etc.) that could help. Now I know, and I’m seeing the results.

Eye health is incredibly important and all too often overlooked. The EyePromise team has put their knowledge and passion into helping people strengthen their eyes and do so in a healthy manner. EyePromise has gained customers for life in the Thompson family.

Interested in trying it yourself? Get started with Screen Shield™ Pro today!

Listen to Danny Mac interview EyePromise cofounder Dennis Gierhart, Ph.D.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.