
EyePromise Blog

What to Do About Excessive Screen Time

Posted by EyePromise on Jan 31st 2019

With the possible physical and mental impact of screens, you may be thinking that the best option is to cut them out of the picture altogether. Knowing that’s NEVER going to happen, here are some … read more
What Screen Time Can Really Do to Kids' Brains

What Screen Time Can Really Do to Kids' Brains

Posted by abrandt on Jan 28th 2019

For young children, extended screen time can have a negative, lasting impact. The timespan between birth and age 3 is dubbed "the critical period" in the medical community due to the changes … read more

Mental Impact of Screen Time

Posted by amess on Jan 24th 2019

Increased screen time has been proven to cause concern with physical wellbeing in both adults and children. While physical complications are an issue, perhaps the most worrisome effects take … read more

Screen Time & the Body

Posted by EyePromise on Jan 17th 2019

It’s no secret that screen time has increased exponentially over the last decade. The US Department of Health and Human Services reports that children spend 7 hours a day with electronic media. Not … read more

Screen Time: An Ever-Growing Epidemic

Posted by EyePromise on Jan 10th 2019

As technology continues to invade everyday life, it seems nearly impossible to escape the glow of a digital screen. From signing into the doctor’s office on an iPad to ordering fast food from a … read more

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.