3 Tips To Protect Your Vision as You Age
Posted by abrandt on Mar 13th 2017
We all want our vision to be protected and sharp as we age. The best way to do that is to take the right precautions. That’s why we made a 3 point checklist for you to make sure you’re on the right track!
- Know Your Family History: This is a big one. Be aware of any any age-related eye health issues your parents or other family members have/had as many of these issues can be hereditary. Knowing you’re more at risk can help you be proactive about your eye health as you age.
- Quit Smoking or Don’t Start: Everyone knows that smoking is bad for the body, but not everyone knows the effect it can have on the eyes. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,500 chemicals including arsenic, formaldehyde and ammonia. After these chemicals are inhaled into the body, they start to damage cell structure. This essentially ages your vision and can lead to age-related e ye health issues.
- Eat Healthy: Maintaining a good diet and keeping fast food runs to a minimum is not only good for your overall health, but also good for your vision. Foods like spinach and kale contain nutrients that actively protect your vision. Taking eye vitamins rich in zeaxanthin and lutein can help protect vision as well.