EyePromise® Partnership
We have many options when it comes to prescribing EyePromise nutraceuticals and our programs are designed to be customizable to fit the needs of your practice. The programs include best practices, free marketing materials, and in-practice and online support to ensure your program success.

This program allows you to pre-purchase product inventory for resale in your practice. This ensures that your patients leave with the product you prescribe. After their initial in-office purchase of either a 1 or 3-month supply, this program also offers the option for EyePromise Auto Refill program. The program helps patients stay compliant with their prescriptions until their next visit and gives both you and your patients customizable options to fit your needs.
This program allows you to prescribe a product that fits your patients’ needs without the hassle of inventory. During the office visit, enroll your patient online in the EyePromise Auto Refill program, and that’s it. Patients will then receive automatic shipments of their EyePromise product to help reinforce compliance and increase practice revenue. From here, EyePromise takes care of reminders, education, shipping, and handling. You’ll receive referral credits for every patient signed up for Auto Refill in your office and for future bottles purchased.

Nutraceuticals & MPOD
This program includes both nutraceuticals and the QuantifEye MPS II macular pigment optical density (MPOD) measurement instrument. In this partnership, EyePromise provides free marketing materials, maintenance and IT management of the instrument, and online and in-practice support for running the program successfully.