How long will I need to take EyePromise supplements?
To maintain your macular pigment level after you reach the desired level, you must continue to take EyePromise. Once you achieve the target level, your doctor may lower your prescription to one softgel per day if you were taking two softgels. If you stop taking EyePromise your macular pigment level will return to your baseline level over time. Additionally, you should make the lifestyle changes your doctor recommends to receive the maximum benefit of EyePromise.
What if your primary care doctor or Ophthalmologist has questions about EyePromise?
Refer the doctor to the ZeaVision website. If they have specific questions, ask them to contact ZeaVision directly at (866) 401-1838 to speak with a member of our fully-staffed Customer Support Team.
Why does EyePromise contain only 250 mg of fish oil?
250 mg of fish oil per day is consistent with 2 servings of cold water fish consumption per week, the recommended weekly dietary intake. All EyePromise ingredients are the highest available quality. In spite of the associated cost related to high quality, ZeaVision is focused on minimizing per serving cost to consumers while providing a formulation that delivers optimal eye protection. Additionally, adding more fish oil would increase the number of softgels required daily and significantly increase the size of the softgel, both of which are undesirable. In general, ZeaVision agrees more Omega-3’s would be healthy; however, the formulation balances consumer cost, softgel size, and required softgel servings per day to meet the needs of the majority of consumers. EyePromise is scientifically formulated with the right ingredients and dosage to provide optimal eye health benefits, at an affordable cost.
Should children and young adults take EyePromise?
Consult with your EyeCare and family doctor regarding consumption of EyePromise if under the age of 18. It is believed that much of the eye damage that manifests late in life occurs during our younger years. Mounting evidence also suggests that consuming Zeaxanthin may provide functional improvements. Some patients report these improvements within six months of beginning EyePromise supplementation. Improvements such as reduced light sensitivity, increased contrast sensitivity with more saturated colors, improved night driving and overall night vision are reported. Adults should follow the dosage recommendation provided on the label.
Can I take EyePromise with a multi-vitamin?
Yes! EyePromise vitmains are scientifically formulated with safety in mind, so most of our formulations will not interfere with a multivitamin. In fact, it is recommended that you can take a multivitamin each day along with your EyePromise except if you're taking Macular Health Complete. This product includes a multivitamin in its daily dose, so there's no need to double up.
What is the maximum dose of Zeaxanthin I can safely consume per day?
Although the safety of much higher daily doses has been documented, ZeaVision only recommends the daily dosage listed in the supplement fact panel.
When should I take EyePromise?
EyePromise supplements should be taken with a meal, preferably a meal that contains at least a small amount of fat, such as a piece of buttered toast.