
Zeaxanthin and Lutein

What Zeaxanthin and lutein source does ZeaVision utilize in EyePromise Supplements?
Both carotenoids provided in EyePromise are derived from natural sources. The Lutein utilized in EyePromise is derived from marigolds and the Zeaxanthin is derived from red peppers.
How do Zeaxanthin and Lutein differ? Are there benefits to taking both?
Zeaxanthin and lutein are molecularly similar however they each orient themselves differently in the cell with Zeaxanthin having two ends reactive for antioxidant activity, and lutein only one. The deposition of these antioxidants in the eye varies as Zeaxanthin is in higher concentration in the cone rich center of the macula and lutein is in higher concentration in the peripheral area of the macula. The eye preferentially deposits Zeaxanthin in the fovea (the very center of the macula containing the highest density of vision cells in the retina), suggesting a distinct and different role for each.
Why does EyePromise contain only 4mg of lutein?
The decision to incorporate a 2:1 Zeaxanthin to lutein ratio in EyePromise is based on the actual ratio in the center of the macula. Lutein is more readily available than Zeaxanthin, in the diet. The eye still chooses to place a 2:1 ratio of Zeaxanthin to lutein in the center of the macula, the area with the highest concentration of visual cells.
Has Zeaxanthin safety been reviewed by the FDA?
The FDA does not approve vitamins and supplements. Three Zeaxanthin safety studies have been conducted and submitted to the FDA and safety approval obtained. ZeaVision takes safety and quality very seriously.
Some individuals have high macular pigment scores after taking lutein supplements. Is lutein the only carotenoid needed to protect healthy vision?
The macula contains both lutein and Zeaxanthin and the eye preferentially accumulates Zeaxanthin in the center of the macula where the highest density of visual cells reside. Supplementing with lutein will increase macular pigment; however, the most crucial area of the macula may have deficient protection without Zeaxanthin and recent science demonstrates unique and beneficial differences between the two carotenoids.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.