Why Occasional Dry Eye Is Hard to Kick

Why Occasional Dry Eye Is Hard to Kick

Posted by EyePromise on Sep 22nd 2022

When it comes to common eye health issues, occasional dry eye is one of the most prevalent. Nearly a third of the U.S. population suffers with occasional dry eye, but it’s likely a lot higher as occasional dry eye is notoriously difficult to identify. A recent survey of 415 Americans shares details about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with occasional dry eye.

What Is Occasional Dry Eye?

Occasional dry eye is used to describe what people experience when the eyes do not produce enough tears or high-quality tears. Symptoms of occasional dry eye include (percentages represent percentage of respondents that experienced that symptom):

  • Eye dryness (76%)
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Itchiness
  • Burning
  • Grittiness
  • Excessive watering
  • Blurred vision (60%)
  • Feeling of a foreign particle in the eyes (64%)
  • Eye fatigue (62%)
  • Light sensitivity (62%)

Survey Says: Occasional Dry Eye Is Frustrating!

Occasional dry eye can be a challenging eye health issue for many reasons. Perhaps the most prominent one is the lack of lasting relief. In fact, only 13% of the 415 survey respondents experienced long-term relief after following their care protocol to the letter.

Another reason it’s frustrating: it’s difficult to identify. Many people don’t even realize they have occasional dry eye.

They believe that this is just how their eyes are and subsequently use over-the-counter drops to try and get through the day. Eye care providers can also pass off symptoms as allergies or a natural result of aging, which about a third of survey respondents confirmed. Symptoms similar to occasional dry eye symptoms can also be caused by exterior factors like dry air, a reaction to a medication, or eye makeup, leaving many more suffering with occasional dry eye unidentified.

Another startling data point, 50% of respondents admitted that they feel their experiences with occasional dry eye are dismissed and the severity of their symptoms and suffering are misunderstood. All the while, this eye health issue impacts almost every aspect of daily life, including (percentages represent percentage of respondents that experienced that symptom):

  • Driving (56%)
  • Reading (42%)
  • Using a computer (34%)
  • Watching television (24%)

Road to Relief

For many, reaching for a bottle of over-the-counter drops is their first instinct when experiencing symptoms of occasional dry eye. These drops can provide some temporary relief, but they don’t address the root cause of low quality or low quantity tears. For this, eye care professionals may recommend a number of solutions ranging from lifestyle and environmental changes to implanting punctal plugs designed to preserve the tears on the surface of the eye (natural or artificial/drops).

Rapid Relief In As Little As One Week

While there are medications that doctors can prescribe, they can be quite expensive and don’t always provide relief. However, there is a solution that eye doctors prescribe that can reduce symptoms of occasional dry eye in as little as one week. EyePromise® EZ Tears™ is a daily eye vitamin expertly crafted with high-quality, natural ingredients proven to support tear production and quality. In one clinical study, nearly 90% of participants felt symptom relief after just 4 weeks of supplementing with EZ Tears, and relief continued after the 8-week trial.

Occasional dry eye is a frustrating problem, but there are solutions. If you’re interested in getting on the fast track to relief, get EyePromise EZ Tears now!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.