
U.S. Soldier Relies on Vizual Edge Pro to Maximize Vision Performance

Posted by dtaylor on Feb 20th 2015

From rigorous nutrition programs to cutting-edge vision training, the United States military has long been at the forefront of human performance and nutrition. Keeping a U.S. soldier's vision at optimal levels has been seen as paramount since the days of the Second World War. Awareness around nutrition and eye health started during World War II, when British officers began spreading the word that eating carrots helped their pilots see Nazi bombers attacking at night. The rumor was actually a fabrication intended to cover up the Royal Air Force’s new secret technology named Al. This technology was used to pinpoint enemy bombers before they reached the English Channel. British intelligence didn’t want the Germans to find out about AI so they created this rumor.

“There is actually some truth to carrots being good for your vision,” said Dr. Dennis Gierhart, founder of EyePromise and one of the industry’s leading researchers in the field of ocular nutrition. “Carrots are an excellent source of Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to a condition called night blindness."

Science has come a long way since World War II. And, while many young soldiers aren’t concerned about their vision deteriorating quite yet, taking care of their vision still remains at the top of the U.S. military's priority list.

An Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Tech in Afghanistan spends much of the time operating during the night. As part of an EOD’s daily tasks, Techs are required to detect, expose, and render safe improvised explosive devices. “EOD’s often spend most of their time with Marine Special Forces and the Green Berets,” according to one EOD tech that asked to remain unnamed. “We go on every mission with them and are involved in every fight or operation they are”. While in Afghanistan, this particular soldier took Vizual Edge Pro to maximize vision performance.

The EyePromise Vizual Edge Pro formula is an NSF Certified for Sport eye vitamin designed to help people see better and react faster. “I really noticed the difference when focusing on targets through my optics,” the EOD said. “Within a couple of weeks, I was able to pick up on fine detail much more clearly through my scope." This EOD's results aren't rare. A clinical research study, conducted by the Vision Sciences Laboratory team at the University of Georgia (UGA), gave young, healthy athletes Vizual Edge Pro for four months then measured the impact of high intake levels of dietary zeaxanthin on visual processing speed and reaction time. The results, published in the fall of this past year, showed individuals who ingested 20 or more mgs of zeaxanthin daily, during this time, achieved an average increase of 10% in visual processing speed and reaction time.

Being in Afghanistan, especially carrying out extremely dangerous missions, is extremely stressful. But, the unnamed EOD felt he had a supplement he could count on. "Having an eye vitamin that I know is maximizing my vision makes me feel a little bit safer," he said "To me, that is the real benefit."

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.