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Vizual Edge™ Pro
Vizual Edge™ Chewable
Zeaxanthin + Lutein
*For Illustration Purposes Only
Did You Know?
Your Vision Impacts Your Golf Game In More Ways Than You Think
Golf is a visually challenging sport. From tracking a drive to reading the greens, your eyes need to be at peak performance to help you play your best. EyePromise® Vizual Edge™ Pro is an eye health performance supplement that can help you see your best so you can play your best.
How Can EyePromise Improve Your Golf Performance?
· Contrast Sensitivity – See the subtle slopes in the greens and plan your putt better.
· Reduced Glare – Find the fairways without blinding and distracting glare.
· Visual Acuity – See the details of the course to play more confidently.
*For Illustration Purposes Only
Beyond the Game
Benefits Beyond Golf Performance
The benefits of EyePromise don’t end at the edge of the course. Vision is important for everyday life, too! I mean, who couldn’t use a little sharper vision and faster reaction time?
That’s right, we said faster reaction time.
EyePromise Vizual Edge Pro has been proven to increase reaction time by 10%.* That can mean the difference between “I was in a car accident.” and “I was almost in a car accident.”
*EyePromise compensated this athlete for their genuine, honest review. Ongoing support is by the athlete’s choice and experiences.
Although EyePromise compensated this organization for their genuine, unbiased opinion, it only supports products it truly believes in.